Dakota Ditcheva wasn’t surprised at all that she won her first MMA fight on the weekend.
She is 24 years old and this win now puts her record as an MMA fighter at 8-0. During the fight, which was in Newcastle, England, she used a technique from Muai Thai background to make her opponent Malin Hermansson tap out during the first round – which shocked a lot of MMA fans!
Ditcheva stated on The MMA Hour, “I may look like I do not practice ground game or wrestling. But I do actually! Even though I love striking, I still need to apply my grounding skills and use my wrestling moves. People are surprised because usually they don’t get to see me doing it.”
Ditcheva started fighting professionally in MMA in April 2021. After that, she joined the PFL organization and has been undefeated so far with a record of 3-0. Everyone is surprised by her skills on the ground, but Ditcheva and her team are not because they knew how good she was from the start!
With the European boxing scene gaining in popularity, Ditcheva has the potential to get into it as well. But she isn’t a fan of using this new style as it does not include all her favorite moves from Thai boxing such as elbowing and kicking. She loves striking and finds that without those particular moves it’s not quite so appealing.
I don’t think that boxing would give me the same excitement as Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). I would prefer to go back to Thai Boxing instead of boxing.